Industry-leading WiFi security services designed specifically for organisations to secure their WiFi network and become compliant with data protection regulations.

Conducted either at our offices or at our customer’s premises the WiFi security design workshop is intended to be a collaborative discussion between our Wi-Fi experts and the customer.

The Problem

PCI and GDPR and general data security are real concerns for organisations in today’s digital age and ensuring compliance can be a minefield.

The Solution

Our WiFi Security Design Workshop has been specifically engineered to ensure that customers have the correct WiFi security protection in place, backed by the right security policies.

WiFi Security Designs

Security Workshop

Our WiFi security design workshops cover the following topics.

Our consultative “WiFi Security Design Workshops” produce the best security for organisations.

Security Report

Security Design Report

On completion of the workshop our extensive reports detail the following.

Integration Phase

Once the network design is complete the integration phase can begin.

Following on from the “Design Phase” workshop the “integration phase” installation can begin to be planned and implemented. The integration phase is where our project managers, health and safety officer and installation engineers bring your WiFi project to life.